Thursday, March 19, 2009


my break from blogging seems to have caused some bloggers block. wonderful. 400 words is a lot to get when you can't think of anything to blog about. today is the last official day of winter. yay!!! spring is coming! spring is coming! i'm not complaining here but didn't it seem like january was just yesterday? i mean, it seems like just a few weeks ago that it was too cold to even go to school and we got a five day weekend but in reality that was actually two months ago. where did the time go? out the window of course. same with sophomore year, that one kinda flew by with not all that much happening. next year is senior year and then it's off to college. too bad i don't know where i want to go or what i want to do with my life. i'll figure it out one of these days?

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily <span class=webcomic" src="" border=0>
a few days ago, tuesday to be exact, the fire alarm went off during first hour. this wasn't one of those planned drills they have where the teachers tell you beforehand and then everyone moseys on out of the building, this had potential to be the real deal. after maybe three minutes of standing outside we went back it. i'm going to go with someone pulled it. what i don't understand is why did the portable classrooms have to evacuate? they're not connected to the main building and the fire was obviously not in there but they had to evacuate anyway.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily <span class=webcomic" src="" border=0>
hahahaha. i love cyanide and happiness. i'm going to use this to ramble on about something i have already blogged about, PDA. i'll give you some background so this isn't as random as it actually is. so, a few days ago, monday to be exact, i got music for the orchestra concert that is today, thursday. but that doesn't really have anything to do with this story. for the concert we're playing a song with the middle school orchestra meaning we had to rehearse with them. there are a lot of them meaning we ran out of chairs. some of the high school orchestra kids had to stand while playing. the kid right in front of me conveniently blocking my view of the super soft spoken director was basically petting the head of the girl he was standing behind. for the whole half hour that we were rehearsing he couldn't keep his hands off of her. seriously, for a half hour you can't keep your hands to yourself?! lame. gross. ewwww. to top it off he looked like he hadn't showered in a year and judging from the amount of clothing she was wearing it must've been 90 degrees yesterday. too bad it wasn't. which leads me to my next topic.

on tuesday, st patrick's day, we experienced some great weather. it got up to 75 degrees. it was such a nice day. i understand that it was warm and that people are sick and tired of the cold because i am too, but just because it's finally warm doesn't mean you can wear whatever you find in your closet. especially if you're going to be leaving your house. do you look in a mirror before you leave? i don't think you do. it's obvious that you didn't on tuesday. someone should have grabbed you by the hand and drug you back to your house and not let you out until you were dressed respectably.

Monday, March 16, 2009

hop skip and a jump

and we're working our way back into the swing of things now that it's third term. do you know what third term means? i certainly do, it means that there's ball park 60 days left of school. that's it. doesn't it feel like the school year just started? to me it does. school is like work, no matter how much i complain about it and wish that i didn't have to go, i actually don't mind it for the most part. but enough of this nice little random tangent and i'll attempt at finding a point.

due to the fact that i work in a retail store it is required of me to be nice to people and greet them and help them and this doesn't bother me, it's usually easy to be nice to people. sometimes after getting off work i'm still stuck in the world of i have to greet everyone and be nice so i'll end up saying hi and such to random strangers. you should see some of the looks i get, they are hilarious. what i really like though is when they say hi back, or even just acknowledge that you said something to them. we are too obsessed in our own little worlds to look up and see what's going on around us. i dare you to at least attempt at a random act of kindness at least once a day. hold the door open for someone. hold the door open for someone with their arms full. acknowledge those around you. if someone does something nice for you, say thank you and actually mean it. don't just say it to say it.

pay things forward. if someone does something nice for you, return the favor to someone else. who knows if they'll keep the trend but i promise that you'll feel good about yourself. make someone else's day just a little brighter, it's worth it.

this kinda goes along with the topic of this so i'm going to include it because i like gandhi.
an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. --gandhi

Friday, March 13, 2009


dear mother nature,

can you please take a look at your calendar? it's march 12th and freezing cold outside. i do not like this. i managed to go through the last half of february without wearing my winter jacket but today i had to break out the winter coat. it was 5degrees before the windchill. if i remember right it was somewhere around 60degrees for two or three days of february and then after that it was consistently in the 40s.

i would much appreciate it if this nasty cold wintry weather was replaced by some nice semi warm spring weather.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

let's try to be productive

i suggest not reading this. really. please don't. just skip it. there is nothing important in this.

there's five minutes left of class. what just happened to the past 50 mintues? i was reading blogs all class. hmm. why was i reading blogs instead of doing work? maybe it's because my game theory book has gotten repetitive. maybe it's because whenever i try to research some game theory examples none can beat or even come close to the dark knight example i found thanks to embroz. i would ever so nicely link it here but i doubt that any of you really care seeing as how i can probably count the number of i readers i have on one hand. so why did i not work on my portfolio? i refuse to admit that it's almost time for finals.

that was me a week or two before finals. i'm a slacker. i put off studying for all my finals until the last minute, and then i didn't even really study at all. but that's okay, i don't mind. and now it's third term, four days into the term to be exact and i'm already behind. i have some pages to read in the us history book, a lot of pages to read in the bio book, and other various assignments that are never going to be due but will help me learn. so i should probably do them? i might try to do them. but they more than likely won't get done.

i told myself at the beginning of the term that because it's now third term i should really try to focus. ap exams are coming up. eeeek! why am i signed up to take three ap tests? who knows but i am signed up to take three ap tests. sad face. last year i read my ap textbook religiously and got kinda nervous when i didn't read a chapter. this year, i am lucky to have read a total of three whole chapters between my ap bio and ap us history textbooks. oops. why have i not been doing my reading? because i have been getting somewhere around a 90% without reading and reading those books a-takes too much time and b-puts me to sleep without fail.

but back to my third term goal, i really really should attempt at staying caught up for the term. no promises, but i'm going to try.

Monday, March 9, 2009

buying happiness

read this. or you don't have to, i'll be providing a nice summary here. it's probably not a summary, more just my thoughts on the article. kinda like as if we had read this for class and this would be my reading notebook entry. only i'm hoping this will be better than my reading notebook, my reading notebook is all caught up!, because my reading notebook entries are kinda bad.

conventional wisdom is that when you're rich, you are happy. don't ask me, i'm not rich, but on most days i am happy. what makes me happy? living life makes me happy. seeing my friends makes me happy. seeing hard work pay off. stuff like that. money doesn't matter and there is no price on my happiness.

if you're still hoping for a summary of that article above you probably shouldn't hold your breath. i've decided to go on a tangent and i don't want to summarize the article. but it is a good one and you should probably go read it. really.

because i am a high school junior something that's always on my mind is college. where am i going to go, what am i going to do? endless questions like that and oh how i wish i could answer them and make them go away. i don't know where i want to go to school. i don't know what i want to do with my life once i grow up. i'm not going to lie, i'm a little freaked out about that. what if i don't like whatever i choose? yes, i know that i can change my major and all that but what about the time i just spent pursuing that? is that now time wasted? what if i don't like the school i pick? how am i going to afford college? seriously, how the heck am i going to afford this. i can't expect my parents to put me through school, i have two brothers too.

i can only hope that whatever i choose to do with my life makes me happy. it's not about what i'll do or things like where i'll live or how much i'll make or what kind of car i drive, for me i just want to be happy. we get one shot at life, so why should we do something that makes us unhappy? too many people only care about a salary and end up hating their jobs and dreading the day.

i kinda strayed from my original point so i'll attempt at summing things up. basically, the most important thing to life if happiness and you can't buy happiness. you and how you live your life determins your happiness.