Thursday, March 19, 2009


my break from blogging seems to have caused some bloggers block. wonderful. 400 words is a lot to get when you can't think of anything to blog about. today is the last official day of winter. yay!!! spring is coming! spring is coming! i'm not complaining here but didn't it seem like january was just yesterday? i mean, it seems like just a few weeks ago that it was too cold to even go to school and we got a five day weekend but in reality that was actually two months ago. where did the time go? out the window of course. same with sophomore year, that one kinda flew by with not all that much happening. next year is senior year and then it's off to college. too bad i don't know where i want to go or what i want to do with my life. i'll figure it out one of these days?

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily <span class=webcomic" src="" border=0>
a few days ago, tuesday to be exact, the fire alarm went off during first hour. this wasn't one of those planned drills they have where the teachers tell you beforehand and then everyone moseys on out of the building, this had potential to be the real deal. after maybe three minutes of standing outside we went back it. i'm going to go with someone pulled it. what i don't understand is why did the portable classrooms have to evacuate? they're not connected to the main building and the fire was obviously not in there but they had to evacuate anyway.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily <span class=webcomic" src="" border=0>
hahahaha. i love cyanide and happiness. i'm going to use this to ramble on about something i have already blogged about, PDA. i'll give you some background so this isn't as random as it actually is. so, a few days ago, monday to be exact, i got music for the orchestra concert that is today, thursday. but that doesn't really have anything to do with this story. for the concert we're playing a song with the middle school orchestra meaning we had to rehearse with them. there are a lot of them meaning we ran out of chairs. some of the high school orchestra kids had to stand while playing. the kid right in front of me conveniently blocking my view of the super soft spoken director was basically petting the head of the girl he was standing behind. for the whole half hour that we were rehearsing he couldn't keep his hands off of her. seriously, for a half hour you can't keep your hands to yourself?! lame. gross. ewwww. to top it off he looked like he hadn't showered in a year and judging from the amount of clothing she was wearing it must've been 90 degrees yesterday. too bad it wasn't. which leads me to my next topic.

on tuesday, st patrick's day, we experienced some great weather. it got up to 75 degrees. it was such a nice day. i understand that it was warm and that people are sick and tired of the cold because i am too, but just because it's finally warm doesn't mean you can wear whatever you find in your closet. especially if you're going to be leaving your house. do you look in a mirror before you leave? i don't think you do. it's obvious that you didn't on tuesday. someone should have grabbed you by the hand and drug you back to your house and not let you out until you were dressed respectably.

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