Monday, May 25, 2009

junior year: a reflection

the school year is wrapping up and junior year is coming to a close. where did all the time go? i'm gonna be a senior next year and it seems like freshman year was last year. who ever said high school flies by sure wasn't lying. because everything passed by so quickly i'm going to take a walk down memory lane and go through my junior year once more.

summer 2008:
i got my very first job: detasseling. strange as it sounds, i loved it. i received my very first paycheck. i made some great friends out in the fields. was a section leader in the marching band. i may have found myself hating it most of the time but not going to lie, i missed it when it was done. my family and i drove to minnesota for a day to watch a baseball game. twins :). i wanna go back.

fall 2008:
i got a real job at old navy. i walked in knowing no one and now have many new friends. youth leadership for five seasons orientation and retreat. took a leap of faith, meaning i jumped off a telephone pole. met a boy. talked to boy. fell for boy. juggled school, marching band and work. went trick or treating with the foreign exchange students. added one more to the locker. drove to wisconsin with mom and dad to get apples. auditioned for all state.

winter 2008-2009:
took one/two wednesdays a month off for youth leadership. struggled to keep up with all my classes. let my grades slip. experienced working retail during the holidays. got a $500 paycheck. froze in the cold. went to florida with the band. marched in a nationally televised parade. went to everything disney. continued to talk to the same boy. went to my first ever basketball game as a spectator, we won. pitched up in independence. began to work out every wednesday at the y with dad. picked out a flute and piccolo solo for contest. graduated from youth leadership.

spring 2009:
began to refocus on my grades. started my countdown with the beginning of the term. studied here and there for ap tests. got a new car. city solo contest. said goodbye to boy. cried. went to chicago with the spanish class. millennium park and the bean. tried authentic spanish food, even the octopus. began to study more for ap tests. state solo contest. SNHS induction. NHS induction. softball. took three ap tests without studying as much as i should. sprained my ankel. picked up a new perspective on life. anxiously awaited the end of the year.

looking back there were ups and downs and periods of painful boredom but i wouldn't have done anything differently. whatever happens, happens.

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